
10 Creative Instagram Story Ideas to Engage Your Followers

Hook: Spice Up Your Instagram Stories with These Creative Ideas

Instagram Stories are a great way to connect with your followers and keep them engaged with your content. But sometimes, it can be challenging to come up with fresh and exciting ideas for your stories. In this post, we’ve compiled 10 creative Instagram Story ideas that will help you stand out and keep your followers coming back for more.

Table of Contents:

  • 1. Behind-the-Scenes
  • 2. Polls and Questions
  • 3. User-Generated Content
  • 4. Before and After
  • 5. Countdowns and Announcements
  • 6. Tutorials and How-To’s
  • 7. Mini Q&A
  • 8. Share Your Favorites
  • 9. Flashback Stories
  • 10. Collaborations

1. Behind-the-Scenes

Take your followers behind the scenes of your day-to-day life or give them a sneak peek of an upcoming project or event. This will make them feel more connected to you and your brand.

2. Polls and Questions

Engage your followers by asking them questions or creating polls. This not only helps you get to know your audience better but also makes them feel valued and heard.

3. User-Generated Content

Feature your followers’ content on your Instagram Story. This not only showcases your followers but also helps build a strong community around your brand.

4. Before and After

Show the transformation of a project or product with a before and after story. This is a great way to showcase your skills or the effectiveness of your product.

5. Countdowns and Announcements

Create a countdown for an upcoming event or product launch or make a big announcement on your Instagram Story. This will create excitement and anticipation among your followers.

6. Tutorials and How-To’s

Share your expertise or skills with your followers by creating a tutorial or how-to story. This not only provides value to your followers but also establishes you as an authority in your niche.

7. Mini Q&A

Answer some frequently asked questions from your followers in a mini Q&A story. This helps build a personal connection with your audience and also provides them with valuable information.

8. Share Your Favorites

Share your favorite products, books, or places with your followers. This not only provides them with valuable recommendations but also helps them get to know you better.

9. Flashback Stories

Take your followers on a trip down memory lane by sharing some of your old photos or stories. This is a great way to showcase your personality and create a personal connection with your audience.

10. Collaborations

Collaborate with other brands or influencers on your Instagram Story. This not only exposes you to a new audience but also helps build strong relationships with other players in your niche.


  • 1. How often should I post Instagram Stories? – As often as you have something interesting to share. But try to keep it consistent and at least once a day.
  • 2. Can I schedule Instagram Stories? – No, Instagram does not allow scheduling of Stories.
  • 3. Should I use hashtags in my Stories? – Yes, using relevant hashtags can help your Stories reach a wider audience.
  • 4. Can I edit my Stories after posting? – Yes, you can edit your Stories by tapping on the three dots icon and selecting ‘Edit’.
  • 5. Can I see who viewed my Stories? – Yes, you can see who viewed your Stories by swiping up on your Story and checking the ‘Viewers’ section.
  • 6. Can I save my Stories? – Yes, you can save your Stories to your camera roll by tapping on the three dots icon and selecting ‘Save’.
  • 7. Can I delete my Stories? – Yes, you can delete your Stories by tapping on the three dots icon and selecting ‘Delete’.
  • 8. Can I add music to my Stories? – Yes, you can add music to your Stories by tapping on the ‘Music’ sticker and selecting a song.
  • 9. Can I add links to my Stories? – Yes, if you have a verified account or over 10k followers, you can add links to your Stories.
  • 10. Can I use third-party apps to create my Stories? – Yes, there are many third-party apps available that can help you create engaging and creative Stories.


Instagram Stories are a powerful tool for engaging your followers and building strong relationships with your audience. By using these creative Instagram Story ideas, you can keep your followers interested and coming back for more. Remember to keep it authentic, valuable, and personal, and you’ll see great results.

Noch mehr Fragen?

Wenn du dich auf Instagram erfolgreich positionieren möchtest, gibt es viele Dinge zu beachten. Wie erstelle ich ansprechende Inhalte? Wie gewinne ich mehr Follower? Wie steigere ich mein Engagement? Influxio beantwortet dir alle Fragen und hilft dir dabei, dein Instagram-Profil auf das nächste Level zu bringen.